디자인 썸네일형 리스트형 Highway to the Danger Zone! When you think of Military Air Bases, what do you think about? Over- budgeted super secret spy planes by Bruce Wayne? Maverick and Iceman in a pissing contest, high five-ing each other to bad 80s music? Well that was the question put forth in the latest design contest by auto design site Localmotors.com. They want the undiscovered Top Guns of automotive design to step up and show their true grit.. 더보기 x 손목시계....Designer: Damian Kozlik Texts from the designer: “X - watch” is universal and integrating L.E.D. timepiece. It can be used by sighted and blind people. Watch case and straps can be made of rubber. Dial is compounded of Leds. Mechanism of the watch (IC board) is placed under them. How blind people can use it? It’s simple. It’s just to move a finger along the graduated watch glass. There are extruded Braille numbers. Whe.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 다음